Monthly Archives: January 2013

Whitmer High School

Whitmer High School

Whitmer High School

Whitmer High School is a public high school located in north Toledo.  Originally opening in 1924, it is now the largest high school in the Toledo area.  Whitmer joined the league in 2003 and has had many teams appear in the final four tournaments.  The Whitmer Sabers won the school’s first league championship in 2012 and was just the second team to win back to back championships in modern league history.

  • Whitmer Panthers (Blue)

Sylvania Northview High School

Sylvania Northview High School

Sylvania Northview High School

Sylvania Northview is a public school in the suburban community of Sylvania, Ohio, which is located west of Toledo. When broomball first began in the Toledo area, back in 1977, Sylvania Northview quickly established itself as the dominant school program, winning Championships in 1977, 1980, 1982, & 1983. In the years that they didn’t win Championships, they were always a leading contender. In the early 1980′s, every year, they always had several teams in the broomball league, and often two of their teams would dominant the league and then play against each other for the championship. The Northview program was, without a doubt, the premier program in the league. However, in 1981 when the Bowsher Blue team won the 1st ever Bowsher Championship, the Bowsher program began to challenge the Sylvania program for dominance of the league. It was in 1984, when two Bowsher teams, Bowsher Blue and Bowsher Red, dominated league play and made it into the Championship Game, that the Bowsher program began an 8 year string of consecutive Championship victories that would mark the end of the Sylvania Northview dominance. By 1989 Sylvania Northview teams had completely disappeared from the league, but  returned after a group of Sylvania Northview students renewed a long standing league tradition by entering a team in the G.T.B.L.

St. Ursula Academy

St. Ursula Academy

St. Ursula Academy

St. Ursula Academy is also an all girls school, the final one of three private schools in the Toledo area that have teams in the G.T.B.L. As one might expect, Notre Dame and St. Ursula are arch-rivals and all of their games have an extra element of excitement and interest.


Roy C. Start High School

Roy C. Start High School

Roy C. Start High School

Start is a Toledo Public School that is located in west Toledo. Built in the early 1960′s, Start H.S. and Bowsher H.S. opened at the same time and instantly became rivals, however, with the passage of time that rivalry in most sports has been greatly dimished. Start’s involvement in the G.T.B.L began in 1993, and the Start teams quickly established themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Under the skilled guidance of both head coach and school co-coordinator Keith Dawson, the Start teams have become a regular in the G.T.B.L, post-season, “Final Four” and have managed to win Championship Games in 1995 and 1998. Start Spartan Storm’s “2 to 1″ overtime victory, over the premier team in the Bowsher program, Bowsher’s Ice Lightning, clearly establishes the Start program as being the leading rival of the long dominant Bowsher program. “Start High School excels with a rich tradition of academic excellence and opportunity, outstanding and caring staff members, strong parental involvement and a highly motivated student population.” —Ray Russell, Principal

  • Start Superior Ice

Rossford High School

Rossford High School

Rossford High School

The Rossford School district is located just across the Maumee River, southeast of Toledo, in suburban Rossford, Ohio.

  • Rossford Broomcicles
  • Rossford Frosty Paws

Notre Dame Academy

Notre Dame Academy

                    Notre Dame Academy

Notre Dame Academy is an all girls school, one of three private schools in the Toledo area that have teams in the G.T.B.L. Students from Notre Dame also began playing in the G.T.B.L in the late 1980′s and have continued to participate ever since.

Maumee High School

Maumee High School

Maumee High School

Maumee is a public school in the suburban community of Maumee, Ohio, which is located south of Toledo. Students from Maumee became involved in the G.T.B.L in 1994, and in 1997 their senior team of Maumee Purple set a league scoring record, won their conference, but then lost in the Championship Game, 1 to 0, to Bowsher Scarlet and Black.

E. L. Bowsher High School

E. L. Bowsher High School

E. L. Bowsher High School

Bowsher is a Toledo Public School that is located in south Toledo. In the 22 years that we have had broomball in Toledo, Bowsher is the only school that has had a team participating in our program every year. Although initially Bowsher was one of our weaker programs, it has since become what many feel is the dominant school in the G.T.B.L. Bowsher teams have won 12 out of 22 of our Championship Games.

“I was so proud to see the success of Bowsher’s Freshman Academy pilot program this year. When I see a group of teachers volunteer to take on the responsibility of starting a new program because they are dedicated to the success of kids, it is truly heartwarming.” —Valerie Napieralski, Principal

  • Bowsher Snow Mercy
  • Bowsher Ice Dawgs
  • Bowsher Black Widows
  • Bowsher Ice Queens

Central Catholic High School

Central Catholic

Central Catholic High School

Central Catholic is a co-educational private school, one of three private schools from the Toledo area that have teams in the G.T.B.L. Central Catholic started playing in the G.T.B.L in the late 1980′s and has since become one of our leading programs, being one of only 3 schools that have been able to produce a team capable of defeating a Bowsher team in the Championship Game, in the past 16 years. This happened when the Central Diablo’s Locos won the Championship Game in 1996.

  • Central Irish Ice

Anthony Wayne High School

Anthony Wayne High School

Anthony Wayne High School

Anthony Wayne is one of two first time programs in this year’s GTBL. The Anthony Wayne School district is located just southwest of Toledo and in addition to being composed of the rural communities of Waterville, Whitehouse, and Neapolis, it also includes the site of General Anthony Wayne’s Battle of Fallen Timbers.

  • Anthony Wayne Hailstormers