2021 Season Update

Happy New Year everyone!

Summary of important dates:
January 7 @ 8-9pm: contactless turn-in and equipment pickup.
January 14 @ 7pm: coaches meeting
January 18: Practices may begin
Beginning of March: planned start to regular season

We hope everyone has had a happy and safe holiday.  The 2021 season is still happening.  As you can imagine, it will look much different than most years.

As previously communicated to coaches, we are going to have a contactless turn-in available this Thursday, January 7th at the Bowsher parking lot from 8-9pm.  We ask you please have your rosters and release forms organized and that any money is a single cashier’s check or money order if possible.  Everything should be in a single large envelope.  Crutch tips, brooms and broomballs will be available as well.

We have several teams using the Cheddar Up online payment method!  Thank you for spreading the word on this.  It has been very popular and we plan to keep this going forward.  Pictures of signed release forms can be emailed to “league at gtbl dot org” (spelled out to reduce spam).  We will send a summary to all coaches after turn-in that shows the payment and release form status of their rosters.

Practices may start on January 18th but only for paid players with a signed release form.

The regular season is planned to start in March and a coaches meeting will be held Thursday January 14th at 8pm to review some guidelines and answer any questions.

We look forward to making this a great season!